Adoption is a common way for families in Michigan to expand. Some people adopt newborn infants. Others pursue adoption through foster placement or adopt family members in difficult situations.
Many adoption opportunities in Michigan are under the control and supervision of private adoption agencies. A cursory review of the agencies operating in Oakland County makes it clear that many of these entities have a religious affiliation. The names of the companies include the words Lutheran, Catholic and Christian.
Can the religion followed by aspiring adoptive parents influence their eligibility to work with private adoption agencies?
Religious affiliation has minimal impact
It can be disheartening for those who belong to small religions and those who have secular values to realize that private adoption in Michigan is largely dominated by organizations with a religious influence. Contrary to what the name of those organizations might imply, belonging to a specific religion is not a prerequisite to working with those agencies.
Bethany Christian Services, for example, can conduct home studies or arrange for child placement for families with no specific religious affiliation. However, religious beliefs, such as a preference for married heterosexual parents, can influence how these agencies handle requests for services.
For those who belong to a specific religion, partnering with an associated private adoption agency could be a viable option. A lack of religious affiliation does not eliminate eligibility for private adoption or home study services.
Learning more about Michigan’s unique adoption rules can be beneficial for those hoping to grow their families. Private adoption is accessible to people of all backgrounds if they meet mandatory criteria.